Published by ICSEB at 18 December, 2018
2018 has been a year of great celebrations. In June, our Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) celebrated its 10th anniversary dedicated to pursuing excellence in patient care and in November the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf) reached this same milestone. During all these years, the close collaboration between ICSEB and CSSf made it possible for more than 1500 patients from around the world to benefit from the application of the Filum System®. This exclusive method was designed for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of the Filum Disease and the related conditions (like Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis), with excellent results. That’s the outcome of over 40 years’ research carried out by Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador.
Three more celebrations close this 2018. Three veterans at our Institute celebrate 10 years collaborating with Dr. Royo’s staff: Pei Chen, in charge of Chinese and Taiwanese patient care, Samantha Meir, reference person for French and Spanish speaking patients and Lurdes Lozano, responsible for Catalan speaking patients.
In these 10 years, Pei, Samantha and Lurdes attended and accompanied many patients from their very first consultation to the neurosurgical visit, the surgical treatment and postoperative check-ups. The three of them found a mission in their job: they are an indispensable bridge between patient and doctor and a key support when facing a very little known condition, with often devastating consequences. “When I started to work here, I would have never imagined how important this job would turn out to be. At the Institute I found my second family, I feel I’m doing something useful and with a meaning. We deal with people’s health and quality of life, with their happiness after all”, says Lurdes, who shares with Pei, Samantha and every member of the staff at the Institute a strong commitment to patients’ wellbeing. To Lurdes this meant reaching a further level. In fact, in this past year, she turned into a patient herself, thus being able to empathize with the suffering related to this condition and the happiness of recovery as well.
Congratulations Pei, Samantha y Lurdes! We wish you to keep on supporting patients for many more years and to contribute in the dissemination of the Filum System®.
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